On Loving the Intellect

In a footnote in Up from Eden, Ken Wilber observes that one element of his reservations about Hegel – who he otherwise considers a “towering genius” combining “transcendent insight with mental genius” – is that Hegel had no yoga, no “reproducible technique of transcendence” (638, 641). To me, that is an interesting criticism. It suggestsContinue reading “On Loving the Intellect”

Learning Love Through Service

There is value in thinking about kindness – general, simple ordinary kindness. Helping shovel the walk, listening carefully to other people’s stories and questions, paying for lunch, offering up compliments, sharing experience. Doing this is a form of service to our brothers and sistersĀ and to our own self. We learn love through service. “Thinking” inContinue reading “Learning Love Through Service”

Right, Wrong and A Course in Miracles

I think often of my early experience with A Course in Miracles: my investment in being right about it, in taking the right stands, siding with the right wave of opinion, and so forth. That’s natural enough, in the sense that it’s judgmental and harsh, which is how we have learned to perceive and function.Continue reading “Right, Wrong and A Course in Miracles”

Beginning Again (Hand in Hand)

Beginnings matter. Beginning again matters. This is the promise of A Course in Miracles: that at any moment we might begin again. It doesn’t matter what kind of student we were yesterday or an hour ago. What matters is our willingness in this moment to accept the Holy Spirit’s judgment of Life. In a sense,Continue reading “Beginning Again (Hand in Hand)”

Forgiveness (With A Lower Case F)

I have been thinking a great deal lately about forgiveness with a lowercase f. I mean the ordinary – the traditional – experience of forgiveness. Of accepting apologies, letting grudges go, and moving on with our brothers and sisters. That is a different understanding of forgiveness than that espoused by A Course in Miracles (whichContinue reading “Forgiveness (With A Lower Case F)”