A Course in Miracles Lesson 110

I am as God created me. The successive nature of the lessons – each one expanding, sometimes obviously, sometimes subtly, on the previous – so that the whole workbook evolves or extends in the manner of a snowflake, a dynamic pattern beautifully extending itself, is one of the most beautiful and pleasing aspects of AContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 110”

A Course in Miracles Lesson 102

I share God’s Will for happiness for me. There are really two parts to today’s lesson. First, we declare our intention to accept God’s Will for us, and to realize the happiness that Will assures us is ours. Second, this declaration – this acceptance – effectively denies that pain and suffering are real and serveContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 102”

A Course in Miracles Lesson 99

Salvation is my only function here. It is challenging sometimes to remember that salvation in A Course in Miracles is essentially a saving from something that never happened. Indeed, salvation can be said to be the simple remembrance that separation is an illusion, not an actual problem that we are charged with solving.  [Salvation] reflectsContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 99”

A Course in Miracles Lesson 98

I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation. A nontrivial aspect of awakening as A Course in Miracles anticipates it is realizing that our true Self is free of error, including the error of believing that sin is possible. Accepting this becomes a gateway to realizing that we are not bodies but “thoughtsContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 98”