On Gratitude and Reverence

I have been thinking of Tara Singh’s reverence for Helen Schucman, the scribe of A Course in Miracles. He was not confusing her with God, nor implying she was special in the sense of deserving a pedestal or medal. Rather, he was deeply grateful to her, and he was not afraid of gratitude’s expression. Taraji oftenContinue reading “On Gratitude and Reverence”

On Guilt and Time and Inner Peace

A Course in Miracles teaches that the separation from God occurred over “millions of years” (T-2.VIII.2:5). Yet the separation lives in and acts through us with our consent now. As we become aware of the through process known as separation, we naturally orient towards dissolving it, which is simultaneously a movement towards inner peace. SpeedingContinue reading “On Guilt and Time and Inner Peace”

Looking Again at Atonement in A Course in Miracles

From time to time I find myself needing to revisit certain core ideas in A Course in Miracles. Such is the case with Atonement – which is simply the Holy Spirit’s plan end the illusion of separation. In what way is the course breaking with traditional Christianity and establishing some new theological ground? How shouldContinue reading “Looking Again at Atonement in A Course in Miracles”

Response, Reaction and A Course in Miracles

Response is not often called for. Things happen, both internally and externally, but we don’t have to respond to them. We don’t have to act. Often, when we sit quietly and do nothing in particular, we notice that life goes on. If we are really attentive, then we will also see that what goes onContinue reading “Response, Reaction and A Course in Miracles”

Atonement is Collaborative

I am often reminded – always at fortuitous times – that we wake up together. A Course in Miracles means this at both the gross physical level and at the spiritual level. Atonement is collaborative. Accepting the Atonement for yourself means not to give support to someone’s dreeam of sickness and death. It means youContinue reading “Atonement is Collaborative”