Response is not often called for. Things happen, both internally and externally, but we don’t have to respond to them. We don’t have to act. Often, when we sit quietly and do nothing in particular, we notice that life goes on. If we are really attentive, then we will also see that what goes onContinue reading “Response, Reaction and A Course in Miracles”
Category Archives: Atonement
Atonement is Collaborative
I am often reminded – always at fortuitous times – that we wake up together. A Course in Miracles means this at both the gross physical level and at the spiritual level. Atonement is collaborative. Accepting the Atonement for yourself means not to give support to someone’s dreeam of sickness and death. It means youContinue reading “Atonement is Collaborative”
The Holy Instant and Inner Peace
That we have problems in the world perhaps goes without saying. We get a flat tire or we don’t have enough money to pay the mortgage or we can’t find a library book that’s due. A Course in Miracles does not deny our experience of problems like this, but it does suggest that we areContinue reading “The Holy Instant and Inner Peace”
The Case for Hope in A Course in Miracles
Practicing A Course in Miracles requires what we might call pragmatic optimism. Most of us are a little confused by the course – its language, its metaphysics. What does it mean that the external world is an illusion? How is it possible to leave thought behind? How can I love all people when it isContinue reading “The Case for Hope in A Course in Miracles”
Reading A Course in Miracles: The Decision for God
In earlier, less-edited versions of the text, this section was referred to as “The Eternal Fixation,” and included a fairly lengthy riff on Freud and his ideas about fixation. While I think the revised text is a bit jumpy, I very much like the new title. Fixation was meant to imply that our minds wereContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles: The Decision for God”
Reading A Course in Miracles : The Invitation to the Holy Spirit
I have been resisting this section for the better part of a week. I read it – encountered a lot of language about the Holy Spirit – and something in me just shut down. It wasn’t clear why. I re-read it several times – read earlier, less edited versions – and prayed on it asContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles : The Invitation to the Holy Spirit”