Miracles are seen in light (lesson 91).
Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one (lesson 92).
Miracles are seen in light, a phenomenon which reflects God’s strength, which was given to us in creation without condition. While miracles may have observable external effects, they are mostly shifts in thinking from what we might loosely call egoic patterns to spiritual patterns. Or from fear to love.
When we are miracle-minded, we are thinking the way God thinks and – however briefly and tenuosly – are enlightened and awakened.
Miracles makes us happy. And, by making us happy, they naturally support further expressions and experiences of miracle-mindedness.
Thinking with God becomes our practice, and in this way light enters our living and gives us strength to face the fear that obstructs love.
It is an error to deny the world and our experience in it (e.g., T-2.IV.3:10-11). It’s better to simply be as honest about that experience as we can be. Where is it challenging? Where is it full of flow and ease? Where are we putting up resistance? What do we not want to look at?
A Course in Miracles is not trying to drive us to renunciation and asceticism. It is not a spiritual practice that doubles down on suffering and repentance. It is playful and sincere and fundamentally helpful.
Truly, the course aims to direct our attention to the source of conflict: and thus, the only location where change is possible: the mind. That is the essence of this review lesson. It asks us to turn within to our perception of weakness and strife, to understand this as a form of darkness that comes from attempting to live apart from God and our brothers and sisters, and to choose another way.
We are invited to avail ourselves of the healing light of God’s strength. We are asked to consider, in other words, bringing the separation to a close in one radiant embrace of God and love.
What else would we ask for? What else could make us happy?
Of course, it is unlikely that we are going to do this. It takes training, which comes from giving attention to the Holy Spirit’s still quiet voice, which in turn supports our willingness to be healed unconditionally, rather than insist on healing on personal terms (which are always set and defended by ego).
Thus, the introduction to this review period reminds us:
Do not forget how little you have learned.
Do not forget how much you can learn now.
Do not forget your Father’s need of you,
As you review these thoughts He gave to you (w-pI.rIII.in.13:1-3).
God’s strength is our strength: the truth of this is unaffected by either our denial of it or our projection. We cannot will away the Will that we share with God in Creation. We can delay the remembrance, yes, but the truth of it is beyond error.
So, in a sense, this lesson – neatly correlating with the theme of the review period – is a gentle reminder that we need not wait on time to know in a real and tangible way the peace of Christ which surpasses understanding.