A Course in Miracles Lesson 212

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

Awakening is not merely conceptual; it is active. it is lived. The Atonement was – and is – an act of love (T-2.II.4:3). In the context of separation, there is work we are called to do to help undo separation – both for us and for all our brothers and sisters. Who we are is not unrelated to our function. Identity and function intersect, the one bringing forth and making possible the other.

What is our function? What is the “activity” to which we are called?

One way A Course in Miracles frames the answer is that our function is to “love in a loveless place” (T-14.IV.4:10).

Atonement becomes real and visible to those who use it. On earth this is your only function, and you must learn that it is all you want to learn. You will feel guilty till you learn this (T-14.IV.3:6-8).

Sometimes we get lost in the metaphysics of bodies and worlds. We think that taking action in a dream is meaningless. In an absolute sense, we are correct. It is. But in the context of the dream, it can be very meaningful and – when guided by the lessons we learn in A Course in Miracles, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Who is in our “right mind” (T-5.I.3:3) – can help to undo the dream.

Our work is to seek – with humility, perseverance and even cheerfulness – to know that our will and God’s are not separate but united and then to no longer indulge the fantasy of separation.

When you have learned how to decide with God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing. There is no effort, and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried down a quiet path in summer (T-14.IV.6:1-2).

We want this ease! We want this grace! And to get it, we simply have to resign as the author of experience. We have to decide to no longer decide without first consulting the Holy Spirit. When we are aligned with the part of our mind that is naturally aligned with God, then the way to remembrance is quick and sure.

We do not have to decide in advance what this will look like. Indeed, that is the impediment – our decision before we act what the effects ought to be. But A Course in Miracles calls us to a different approach. It calls us to accept God’s love first and then to trust that whatever follows will be precisely what we, and all our brothers and sisters, and the world itself, need.

Again, we are choosing to no longer rely on our own judgment. We don’t judge the external situation as it is, and we don’t judge what it needs. We leave all outcomes to the One who does know, and whose judgment is perfect. This is all we seek and we will accept no other gift (W-pII.212.1:4).

This is not a doing! It is a decision to not do. And yes, understanding the distinction can take time. It can take practice. But let us today offer a space of stillness and quiet to the Holy Spirit so that we might see in a clear and actionable way how we are to fulfill our function today.

And let us remember as well that our function and identity are one. We are called to love in a loveless place because we are love. We are called to love in a space of darkness and deceit because we are light. And all we have to do to make it so is do nothing.

←Lesson 211
Lesson 213→

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