A Course in Miracles teaches that the separation from God occurred over “millions of years” (T-2.VIII.2:5). Yet the separation lives in and acts through us with our consent now. As we become aware of the through process known as separation, we naturally orient towards dissolving it, which is simultaneously a movement towards inner peace. SpeedingContinue reading “On Guilt and Time and Inner Peace”
Author Archives: Sean
Learning Love Through Service
There is value in thinking about kindness – general, simple ordinary kindness. Helping shovel the walk, listening carefully to other people’s stories and questions, paying for lunch, offering up compliments, sharing experience. Doing this is a form of service to our brothers and sistersĀ and to our own self. We learn love through service. “Thinking” inContinue reading “Learning Love Through Service”
Giving Attention to Kindness and Starlight
And yet kindness matters – continues to matter. Those actions taken through the body for another – thoughtful letters, hugs, fresh-baked bread, attentive listening and so forth. I can’t forget this. Won’t forget it. I stood for a few minutes this morning beneath the dogwood tree out back. Each twig and branch is encased inContinue reading “Giving Attention to Kindness and Starlight”
The Undoing of Time
It is important to remember that chronological time is contained within eternity, which is to say, within timelessness. It is a distinction, like the distinction of the self, upon which the appearance of the cosmos depends. Another way to say this is that the present contains the past and the future because both are projectionsContinue reading “The Undoing of Time”
On Outcomes, Equines and A Course in Miracles
I would like to write a bit about outcomes – our inclination to project a future that accommodates our ideas about happiness and satisfaction and peace. To think this way is an egoic habit and so can feel natural but in truth it is deeply unnatural and impedes our recognition that we are already awakenedContinue reading “On Outcomes, Equines and A Course in Miracles”
Right, Wrong and A Course in Miracles
I think often of my early experience with A Course in Miracles: my investment in being right about it, in taking the right stands, siding with the right wave of opinion, and so forth. That’s natural enough, in the sense that it’s judgmental and harsh, which is how we have learned to perceive and function.Continue reading “Right, Wrong and A Course in Miracles”