On Outcomes, Equines and A Course in Miracles

I would like to write a bit about outcomes – our inclination to project a future that accommodates our ideas about happiness and satisfaction and peace. To think this way is an egoic habit and so can feel natural but in truth it is deeply unnatural and impedes our recognition that we are already awakenedContinue reading “On Outcomes, Equines and A Course in Miracles”

Right, Wrong and A Course in Miracles

I think often of my early experience with A Course in Miracles: my investment in being right about it, in taking the right stands, siding with the right wave of opinion, and so forth. That’s natural enough, in the sense that it’s judgmental and harsh, which is how we have learned to perceive and function.Continue reading “Right, Wrong and A Course in Miracles”

Looking Again at Atonement in A Course in Miracles

From time to time I find myself needing to revisit certain core ideas in A Course in Miracles. Such is the case with Atonement – which is simply the Holy Spirit’s plan end the illusion of separation. In what way is the course breaking with traditional Christianity and establishing some new theological ground? How shouldContinue reading “Looking Again at Atonement in A Course in Miracles”

The End of Victimhood and A Course in Miracles

In a deep way – a psychological way – we believe we are victims of the world we see, the ones who populate it, and the God who made it all. We are wracked by fear and guilt and thus driven by hate. I know how unpleasant that sounds, but A Course in Miracles willContinue reading “The End of Victimhood and A Course in Miracles”

The Ego Is Self-Imposed Darkness

We all make an ego for ourselves – a self, an identity – and, critically, we also make one for every other person that we perceive (T-4.II.2:1). This is important! It’s not just our self that we’re fogging with bad ideas and guilty thoughts, but everyone else too. It’s not an ideal approach to innerContinue reading “The Ego Is Self-Imposed Darkness”