The Stillness Inherent in A Course in Miracles

One of the things that A Course in Miracles has done for me is it has cleared some space in my mind. That’s kind of weird statement maybe – mind isn’t really bounded physically. But by practicing ACIM – studying the text and the lessons, following certain teachers whose practice most challenges and buttresses my ownContinue reading “The Stillness Inherent in A Course in Miracles”

Dialogue and A Course in Miracles

Often when I talk about dialogue – having one, being in one, et cetera – what I am talking about is simply an intense and focused exchange between two people with similar interests. That is, you and I have a shared language – Christian, ACIM and so forth – and we are both devoted to directContinue reading “Dialogue and A Course in Miracles”

The Absolutely Right Way to Practice A Course in Miracles

A year or so ago someone wrote me about a negative experience they’d had with a fairly well-known course teacher. With this teacher, they experienced a lot of pressure to practice A Course in Miracles a particular way. The coercion bothered them but at a deeper level, they were also bothered by the idea thatContinue reading “The Absolutely Right Way to Practice A Course in Miracles”