One of the things that A Course in Miracles has done for me is it has cleared some space in my mind. That’s kind of weird statement maybe – mind isn’t really bounded physically. But by practicing ACIM – studying the text and the lessons, following certain teachers whose practice most challenges and buttresses my ownContinue reading “The Stillness Inherent in A Course in Miracles”
Author Archives: Sean
Dialogue and A Course in Miracles
Often when I talk about dialogue – having one, being in one, et cetera – what I am talking about is simply an intense and focused exchange between two people with similar interests. That is, you and I have a shared language – Christian, ACIM and so forth – and we are both devoted to directContinue reading “Dialogue and A Course in Miracles”
Thinking about Dialogue
So I have become interested lately in the idea of dialogue – not conversation or discussion – but dialogue. I am reading David Bohm, also Jiddu Krishnamurti. I do not feel as if I am wandering too far afield of Jesus and A Course in Miracles. Perhaps dialogue – this dialogue, this way – isContinue reading “Thinking about Dialogue”
Language and Awakening
The word is not the thing. Sooner or later, we have to make some peace with this, bring it into application. I have a friend who experienced what she felt was true oneness. She proceeded to tell her partner who was with her at the time. Her partner said, “did the experience last as longContinue reading “Language and Awakening”
The Absolutely Right Way to Practice A Course in Miracles
A year or so ago someone wrote me about a negative experience they’d had with a fairly well-known course teacher. With this teacher, they experienced a lot of pressure to practice A Course in Miracles a particular way. The coercion bothered them but at a deeper level, they were also bothered by the idea thatContinue reading “The Absolutely Right Way to Practice A Course in Miracles”
What is Dialogue?
What is dialogue? What does it mean to be in dialogue? In answering those questions, I am thinking of David Bohm’s excellent little book On Dialogue, his dialogues with Krishnamurti in The End of Time, and of A Course in Miracles. Although I am no longer a formal ACIM student, the course’s focus on undoingContinue reading “What is Dialogue?”