Reading A Course in Miracles: Healing as a Release from Fear

Healing as a release from fear introduces a key component of A Course in Miracles: Atonement, rightly understood, is a remedy (T-2.IV.1:5). It is a principle which guides the application of miracles. Miracles, in turn, are a means of delivering a remedy to that which is sick (T-2.IV.1:2). Thus, a sick mind – which isContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles: Healing as a Release from Fear”

A Course in Miracles Lesson 12

I am upset because I see a meaningless world. Again, with this lesson we build on previous lessons – working increasingly to both understand and take responsibility for the role our minds play in creating the world that we see and experience. Lesson 12 drives the point home. Our upset – call it anger, fear,Continue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 12”

A Course in Miracles Lesson 11

My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world. The first ten lessons are essentially an introduction to how our bodies function with respect to meaning and purpose. We are being invited to rethink – literally – the way in which mind is experienced in and as a body. The upshot of those lessons isContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 11”

Reading A Course in Miracles: The Atonement as Defense

The “Atonement as Defense” is a section of A Course in Miracles that calls us to defend the truth by denying the power of error to hurt us in any way. We know that we are deferring to error – or the power of wrong-minded thinking – whenever we feel doubt or fear. These feelingsContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles: The Atonement as Defense”