One of my favorite Emily Dickinson poems is #236 – Some Keep the Sabbath. It captures for me several of the qualities that I admire most in her work: playfulness, irreverence and – deeply related to the first two qualities – a profound awareness and commitment to waking up to one’s identity in God. AsContinue reading “Some Keep the Sabbath . . .”
Author Archives: Sean
Reading A Course in Miracles: The Atonement as Defense
The “Atonement as Defense” is a section of A Course in Miracles that calls us to defend the truth by denying the power of error to hurt us in any way. We know that we are deferring to error – or the power of wrong-minded thinking – whenever we feel doubt or fear. These feelingsContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles: The Atonement as Defense”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 10
My thoughts do not mean anything. Within each lesson there is always a seed or two, the flowering of which seems to aim at completely undoing our sense of self. There is a tendency to merely glance at these “seeds” – to pass over them quickly – under the mistaken belief that we are makingContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 10”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 9
I see nothing as it is right now. In the early lessons, we move back and forth between “seeing” as an activity of the physical body in the physical world and “vision” as an action of spirit in the real but abstract – imperceptible to the physical eye – world. The goal of these earlyContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 9”
Reading A Course in Miracles: Distortions of Miracle Impulses
One of the things that close readings of A Course in Miracles will do is gently reveal some of the material’s more radical ideas. We discover new ways that the course wants to teach us to serve our brothers and sisters in love, in order that we might all wake up to our unified presenceContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles: Distortions of Miracle Impulses”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 8
My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts. Lesson 7 is an invitation to consider the way in which we perceive the objects that comprise our physical world is conditioned by the past. We are not really looking at a pencil or a cup – we are looking at our idea of a pencil or aContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 8”