Advent Travels: Admitting the Wound

Yesterday it snowed a little as the sun set: prismatic flurries tracing faded planes of light down western hills slowly darkening. I stood shivering on the front porch, breathless and grateful, now and then remembering to take a sip of coffee. I cannot bear the loveliness sometimes; I cannot compass the love the loveliness reflects.Continue reading “Advent Travels: Admitting the Wound”

Advent Travels: Waiting for Her

0 Today is winter solstice. In my little town we’ll have daylight just over nine hours. This summer it was closer to fifteen. Now, going forward, instead of darkening, the world becomes a little lighter and warmer. Things will grow differently; they will create differently. More of my ancestors celebrated solstice than Christmas. But whenContinue reading “Advent Travels: Waiting for Her”

Advent Travels: Under the Bookish Pedagogy

Often, at night when I am most with Jesus and the Holy Spirit in prayer, I draw the curtains. Privacy, seclusion, minimal distractions. I am not of this world but another. But last night I let the curtains be. The moon was right outside the window, spectral and thin, and I was in the moodContinue reading “Advent Travels: Under the Bookish Pedagogy”