I feel the love of God in me now. This lesson is dog-eared in my book – I’ve read it and re-read it, folded the corner for easy access, held it open on my lap while drifting between analysis and prayer, thought and the space between thoughts. I love this lesson. I come back toContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 189”
Author Archives: Sean
The Sixteenth Principle of A Course in Miracles
Miracles are teaching devices for demonstrating that it is as blessed to give as to receive. They simultaneously increase the strength of the giver and supply strength to the receiver (T-1.I.16:1-2). An early and essential tenet of A Course in Miracles is the understanding that miracles represent shifts in perception from fear to love. TheyContinue reading “The Sixteenth Principle of A Course in Miracles”
A Course in Miracles: What is the Authority Problem?
The authority problem is related to judgment. When we judge another, it is because we believe that judging is our right and that judgment has value. This belief reflects an even deeper belief – that we are the author of self and world, that we are in charge of Creation. This belief arises in –Continue reading “A Course in Miracles: What is the Authority Problem?”
The Fifteenth Principle of Miracles
Each day should be devoted to miracles. The purpose of time is to enable you to learn how to use time constructively. It is thus a teaching device and a means to an end. Time will cease when it is no longer useful in facilitating learning (T-1.I.15:1-4). In A Course in Miracles, the statement “eachContinue reading “The Fifteenth Principle of Miracles”
The Fourteenth Principle of A Course in Miracles
Miracles bear witness to truth. They are convincing because they arise from conviction. Without conviction they deteriorate into magic, which is mindless and therefore destructive; or rather, the uncreative use of mind (T-1.I.14:1-3). The miracle represent a shift in perception, away from fear and towards Love. The miracle is an effect of allowing the HolyContinue reading “The Fourteenth Principle of A Course in Miracles”
The Thirteenth Principle of A Course in Miracles
Miracles are both beginnings and endings, and so they alter the temporal order. They are always affirmations of rebirth, which seem to go back but really go forward. They undo the past in the present, and thus undo the future (T-1.I.13:1-3). The thirteenth principle of miracles in A Course in Miracles is an early introductionContinue reading “The Thirteenth Principle of A Course in Miracles”