Introduction to ACIM Lessons 180 – 200

The introduction to the next sequence of lessons makes clear that we are yet beginners. The goal is to reinforce our willingness to commit to A Course in Miracles, and to bring our “scattered goals” into unified intent, by recognizing what we truly value. Inner peace and contentment arise because of this unified commitment. ThisContinue reading “Introduction to ACIM Lessons 180 – 200”

ACIM: Changing our Mind Together

In Monday’s newsletter I wrote about the way in which judgment arises as a replacement for Vision. As the course asks: why judge when you can see? Judgment is a form of interpretation, and interpretation is never without ego involvement (T-12.I.2:1). This is not a crime against God or Nature! It’s simply another form ofContinue reading “ACIM: Changing our Mind Together”

Thank You for Being My Savior

Yesterday I wrote about release from guilt, drawing on Chapter Thirteen of A Course in Miracles. The suggestion there is that we undo guilt by loving all our brothers and sisters equally, without condition or qualification. Good advice, hard to follow. Here I want to make a slightly different, more personal point about guilt: YouContinue reading “Thank You for Being My Savior”