I sent out a newsletter today – first in a couple months – talking about how to forgive Jesus, who is just another projection in our projection-addled lives. You can sign up here if you like. In this post I want to think through a related idea: there is only one will and that isContinue reading “The Will of God is Love”
Author Archives: Sean
The Sixth Principle of A Course in Miracles
Miracles are natural. When they do not occur something has gone wrong (T-1.I.6:1-2). The suggestion that miracles are natural is important. It is an implicit argument against miracles being supernatural. In A Course in Miracles, we do understand miracles to mean walking on water, turning water into wine, or traveling through space and time, ourContinue reading “The Sixth Principle of A Course in Miracles”
The Second Principle of A Course in Miracles
Miracles as such do not matter. The only thing that matters is their Source, which is far beyond evaluation (T-1.I.2:1-2). In A Course in Miracles, atonement corrects the error of mistaken self-identity. We are confused about what we are, and our confusion creates illusions – including the illusion of problems. Atonement is the overall processContinue reading “The Second Principle of A Course in Miracles”
Seeking the Law of Love
We have to reach the junction where we see our own specialness, which means being willing to understand that specialness is not love but hate. This is easy to hold as a spiritual ideal but hard to live out in terms of the body. Basically, if we see something in ourself that we believe makesContinue reading “Seeking the Law of Love”
November Notes on Gratitude
November frost on mostly empty gardens lingers past noon. Bare maple trees scratch deep gray skies. At night I listen to owls on the other side of the river and by day wait for whatever the cold and early dark of winter will bring. The mind turns to gratefulness. Who will teach us how toContinue reading “November Notes on Gratitude”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 113
I am one Self, united with my Creator (Lesson 95) Salvation comes from my one Self (Lesson 96) Conflict arises in separation. Indeed, it is the essence of separation, the means by which it functions. Somebody has something we want – a piece of pie, a dollar bill, a pretty hat – and so weContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 113”