Yesterday I talked about giving our mind over to the Holy Spirit, both in terms of its content and its function. In that way, our problems end. I suggested a next post would relate to how to give our minds over. That’s still coming, but here I offer a side note about what the HolyContinue reading “Interlude: Looking is the Holy Spirit”
Author Archives: Sean
On the End of Problems
There are no problems. Not even the problem of thinking we have problems is a problem. Even that is an illusion. It is a miracle that makes this perfection, this utter absence of problems, possible, and it is a miracle that allows us to see perfection so clearly that we know instantly it is ourContinue reading “On the End of Problems”
Notes at Summer’s End
A cup of coffee or a single walk can change our life forever. One glance from a brother or sister who sees us without any projection of guilt, theirs or ours, is perfect healing. Only after it is given to us can we offer it to others. One way to understand our role as studentsContinue reading “Notes at Summer’s End”
Remembering our Guiltlessness
We learn of our guiltlessness when a brother or sister looks at us and sees not a body but rather that which is worthy of love and wholly undeserving of punishment (e.g., T-13.In.1:2). It is the so-called other who reminds us of God’s uninterrupted, unconditional Love, effectively restoring it to our mind. And it isContinue reading “Remembering our Guiltlessness”
Refusing to Wait on Love
We have to love in the very circumstances of our lives as they are given to us moment by moment. We cannot postpone love in favor of the life we long for or think we deserve. We can’t wait on love – neither as a gift we receive nor as one that we give. GodContinue reading “Refusing to Wait on Love”
Between Attention and Love, This Love
In a newsletter today I wrote about the relationship between attention and Love. You can sign up here if you like. I want to think out loud here a bit more about this. Healing and awakening are both implicated in it. In his notebooks, Paul Brunton said that misunderstandings about our identity – i.e., ourContinue reading “Between Attention and Love, This Love”