Interlude: Looking is the Holy Spirit

Yesterday I talked about giving our mind over to the Holy Spirit, both in terms of its content and its function. In that way, our problems end. I suggested a next post would relate to how to give our minds over. That’s still coming, but here I offer a side note about what the HolyContinue reading “Interlude: Looking is the Holy Spirit”

Remembering our Guiltlessness

We learn of our guiltlessness when a brother or sister looks at us and sees not a body but rather that which is worthy of love and wholly undeserving of punishment (e.g., T-13.In.1:2). It is the so-called other who reminds us of God’s uninterrupted, unconditional Love, effectively restoring it to our mind. And it isContinue reading “Remembering our Guiltlessness”

Between Attention and Love, This Love

In a newsletter today I wrote about the relationship between attention and Love. You can sign up here if you like. I want to think out loud here a bit more about this. Healing and awakening are both implicated in it. In his notebooks, Paul Brunton said that misunderstandings about our identity – i.e., ourContinue reading “Between Attention and Love, This Love”