On the other hand, if you think that this stuff matters – that is, if you believe a political party is right or wrong, better or worse than the others – then you’re in as deep as you can go. At that level it’s just ego; there are no checks. You might as well pretendContinue reading “Building Better Worlds: ACIM in Practice”
Author Archives: Sean
Twisting by the Pool
Spring is coming. The chickadees are more voluble; crows linger longer on the thawing compost. The horses call for their morning flakes of hay earlier and earlier, sunlight cresting eastern hills where the river turns. I am sufficiently embodied to be deeply happy about this. And sufficiently right-minded to know it’s okay to say thatContinue reading “Twisting by the Pool”
Review Period II: ACIM Workbook
In general, review periods in A Course in Miracles are opportunities to go more deeply into our practice and more effectively ground our understanding of ACIM principles. These parts of the workbook can feel tedious or extraneous, but we skim them to our detriment. The Introduction to the second review period in the ACIM workbookContinue reading “Review Period II: ACIM Workbook”
ACIM: Beyond Perception
In the separation, mind became “a perceiver rather than a creator” (T-3.IV.2:1). It can be helpful in our ACIM practice to look closely at this distinction. Sit quietly for a few minutes and give attention. Here, snow falls. Blue jays jaw in the hemlocks. Images of my father playing catch with me appear. Feelings ofContinue reading “ACIM: Beyond Perception”
February Update
I sent out a new newsletter, reflecting some thoughts on salvation that arose from rethinking Lesson 76 (which builds to what are, for me, the course’s most helpful pair of lessons, 79 and 80). The overarching idea is that salvation is not found in the world and doesn’t apply to bodies, but is found ratherContinue reading “February Update”
A Course in Miracles: Beyond the Body
The experience of being embodied is always painful. This is not a criticism of the body; it is a statement about what we are in truth and how our confusion about our identity causes us to suffer by conflating “true self” with a body. Critically, this suffering cannot be mitigated in a body or byContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: Beyond the Body”