It’s hard sometimes to think helpfully about the void. I have a lot to learn myself. I don’t think the void is a question of belief, but I am glad there are folks willing to wonder if it might be. They simultaneously remind me of my spiritual poverty and justify the optimism that allows meContinue reading “Advent Travels: A Cool Drum Solo”
Author Archives: Sean
Advent Travels: The Final Step
0 The Mirage Yesterday, shoveling a path to the horses – following tracks in the snow my daughters had made earlier – I was visited by God. What do I mean by this? 1 The Oasis Many years ago, during my first run-through of the ACIM lessons – some time after the devastation wrought byContinue reading “Advent Travels: The Final Step”
Advent Travels: The Posture of a Guest
I stepped outside last night at about eight or so and the snow had already begun. Douglas used to say, you’ve got the writing part down. The question is, what do you want to do with it? I had hoped for a quiet snow gently falling so I could use “sussuration” in today’s writing, butContinue reading “Advent Travels: The Posture of a Guest”
Advent Travels: Happy Servants All Evening
What do I have to give to Jesus? What does Jesus want? Or are those the wrong questions? An Advent journey ends at the manger in Bethlehem, with a gift for Jesus. But what if it doesn’t? What if, halfway to Bethlehem, one of the wise men falls in love and bails on the journey?Continue reading “Advent Travels: Happy Servants All Evening”
Advent Travels: The Rule is, Don’t Lie
The rule is, don’t lie. And related to that is the understanding that I don’t always know when I’m lying. This game we are playing – this work we are doing – is not for the faint of heart. “Lying” is a bad word because of its moral and negative connotations. “Fantasy” is better. AsContinue reading “Advent Travels: The Rule is, Don’t Lie”
Advent Travels: Running Away
It is relatively easy for me to talk about the birth of Jesus as a mythological event that you and I can actually experience. My brief but intense study of James Hillman – especially The Thought of the Heart – prepared me well. It was Hillman who taught me that: “the thought of the heartContinue reading “Advent Travels: Running Away”