Students Need Teachers: ACIM to the Rescue

From time to time I remind myself that the primary (we could even say “sole” but I think that’s probably inaccurate) goal of A Course in Miracles is to introduce us to the Holy Spirit, who is our Teacher. From the course preface: The Course makes no claim to finality, nor are the Workbook lessonsContinue reading “Students Need Teachers: ACIM to the Rescue”

Make Me One with Everything (is a Math Problem)

Say that I visit a psychotherapist. I have some choices. I can visit a Jungian or a Freudian or a Lacanian or a specialist in CBT or EMDR or Gendlin’s Focusing. In each case, the therapist will use a specialized language and practice to help me sort through whatever problem I am trying to solve.Continue reading “Make Me One with Everything (is a Math Problem)”

Secrets in A Course in Miracles

Because so much of my epistemology relies on accepting uncertainty, and being open to revelation from what is not presently within the range of my knowing, it can be difficult to countenance A Course in Miracles which professes an end to uncertainty for those for whom it is the way (T-6.V.C.8:8). Of course it wasContinue reading “Secrets in A Course in Miracles”

Notes on the God of Uncertainty

Hugh Gash makes an interesting observation in “Constructivism and Mystical Experience:” ” . . . when there is a mismatch between experience and what is expected, gaps are experienced that reveal an inadequacy in previously constructed ways of organizing the experience.” Say that I often get irritated when people wake up and come downstairs becauseContinue reading “Notes on the God of Uncertainty”