Gifts of Light (Just Hug Already)

Say that you and I are sharing together. We are in a cafe, perhaps, having tea or coffee. We are talking about Emily Dickinson and her struggle to adequately express her deep spiritual insights and experiences in the Christian and other patriarchal languages that were given to her. There I am. There you are. ThereContinue reading “Gifts of Light (Just Hug Already)”

Students Need Teachers: ACIM to the Rescue

From time to time I remind myself that the primary (we could even say “sole” but I think that’s probably inaccurate) goal of A Course in Miracles is to introduce us to the Holy Spirit, who is our Teacher. From the course preface: The Course makes no claim to finality, nor are the Workbook lessonsContinue reading “Students Need Teachers: ACIM to the Rescue”