On Awareness, Doubt, Socratic Dialogue, and Love

As human beings we are aware and we are aware that we are aware and this reflects a single unified awareness. Your awareness of a tree and your awareness of your awareness of a tree are the same awareness. To some people this seems obvious. But I think it’s actually not. We have – asContinue reading “On Awareness, Doubt, Socratic Dialogue, and Love”

On Letting Go – and thus Knowing Deeply – Christ

When I say “let go of Christ” or “let go of A Course in Miracles” what I mean is: let Christ be. Let A Course in Miracles be. Let God be. I don’t mean have or don’t have, possess or don’t possess. I mean simply give attention to Christ, or God, or A Course inContinue reading “On Letting Go – and thus Knowing Deeply – Christ”