Some random thoughts near the end of July . . . 1. I sent a newsletter out, this time musing on the nexus between collard greens, being and love. The garden has been both bountiful and beautiful this summer, more than ever reminding me of the collaborative nature of our living. Correlations with A CourseContinue reading “July 2019 Housekeeping”
Author Archives: Sean
On Letting Go – and thus Knowing Deeply – Christ
When I say “let go of Christ” or “let go of A Course in Miracles” what I mean is: let Christ be. Let A Course in Miracles be. Let God be. I don’t mean have or don’t have, possess or don’t possess. I mean simply give attention to Christ, or God, or A Course inContinue reading “On Letting Go – and thus Knowing Deeply – Christ”
Undoing Ego-Based Thinking
Ego is not a thing – an object or actor making decisions affecting us – so much as a pattern of thinking. It is a form of mental conditioning that guides behavior and brings forth a certain world. Critically, ego is not the only way to think and act, and the world it brings forthContinue reading “Undoing Ego-Based Thinking”
Pacing in the ACIM Daily Lessons
The early lessons of A Course in Miracles go slowly, the one building on the other in ways that can feel so slight as to be almost negligible. We might long for the express lane to awakening, or a path that appears less obtuse. Yet both the pace and the logic of the progression ofContinue reading “Pacing in the ACIM Daily Lessons”
A Course in Miracles: Spirit Makes No Comparisons
Everything that we perceive arises as – and on account of – distinctions. A raspberry is not a blueberry which is not a bowl of ice cream which is not the river flowing in the distance. Given our structure, in order for anything to be brought forth, it must be distinguished from what it isContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: Spirit Makes No Comparisons”
Doubt as a Christian Virtue
Radical doubt underlies my experience of being Christian. At any moment – for any length of time – I am willing to let the whole practice and tradition go, to see it all as unhelpful, confused, discriminatory, superficial, distracting, unnecessary, illogical . . . It is like an enormous wave overtaking this aspect of myContinue reading “Doubt as a Christian Virtue”