I think an obvious argument with respect to my recent post about certainty and right / wrong thinking is captured in the spirit of comments to this old post about getting along and this one about helpful spiritual junctures: if somebody says to me, “hey I think the Holocaust was great,” am I going toContinue reading “A Brief Addenda on Certainty”
Author Archives: Sean
Reflecting Uncertainly on Certainty
I want to think out loud a little about certainty – how and why it arises in thinking, what function it serves, what it produces and so forth. Ultimately, I think certainty is basically a mirage, albeit a harmless one (so long as one is clear it’s a mirage). Say that I want to beContinue reading “Reflecting Uncertainly on Certainty”
Who Cares if the World is Real?
I want to make a brief point about the marginal utility metaphysics (and theology et cetera) when it comes to the work of bringing forth love, and do so – I hope – through a concrete example. I will ask if the world is real or not and suggest that our living does not changeContinue reading “Who Cares if the World is Real?”
Examining the Grounds of our Spiritual Search
Is it possible that the search of the Self or the World or the Lord is confused at the outset? That its very premise is suspect, inevitably contaminating whatever apparently proceeds or emerges from it? Say that I resolve to search for an Xlkerd. I pledge not to rest until I encounter an Xlkerd. MyContinue reading “Examining the Grounds of our Spiritual Search”
Quietly Insisting Each Day be Holy
I wrote this a few weeks before Christmas and then forgot about it, but while going back through my notes the other day found it again, and liked it. So it’s out of sync with our shared calendar, but you know. Better late – or early, perhaps – than never. *** It is a clicheContinue reading “Quietly Insisting Each Day be Holy”
Wanting Monasteries
For a long time I wanted a monastery. Then I wanted one with whom to want a monastery with me. Then I wanted one with whom to expand this want to include the various ecstasies associated with the insights one imagined would be gained in the monastery, yet are in this living mainly enacted sensuallyContinue reading “Wanting Monasteries”