Consciousness in Christianity

How can we think about consciousness in Christianity? About being spiritual beings for whom Christian language such as A Course in Miracles is most resonant and helpful? About the world and the living and the others that arise in perception? I have been helped in this regard – have seen thinking clarified – with prisms. GrowingContinue reading “Consciousness in Christianity”

Direct Experience: What is Real and What is an Illusion

What is a helpful way for us to think about the question of what is real and what is an illusion? What light can direct experience – giving attention to our experience of living – shed on this question? I remember an ACIM study group many years ago. A woman arrived late and as sheContinue reading “Direct Experience: What is Real and What is an Illusion”

A Course in Miracles Lesson 188

The peace of God is shining in me now. Lesson 188 of A Course in Miracles is part of a sequence that aims to deepen our commitment to our practice by undoing specific obstacles to that application – casualness, stubbornness, specialness and so forth. In Not One, Not Two, Francisco Varela points out that weContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 188”