How can we think about consciousness in Christianity? About being spiritual beings for whom Christian language such as A Course in Miracles is most resonant and helpful? About the world and the living and the others that arise in perception? I have been helped in this regard – have seen thinking clarified – with prisms. GrowingContinue reading “Consciousness in Christianity”
Author Archives: Sean
Attention and Spiritual Healing
Correction is a natural function of attention. That is, when we give attention to our living – and to the world in which it is lived, and the others with whom it is lived – to the extent that that living is unloving, it will naturally realign itself with love. That is because the oneContinue reading “Attention and Spiritual Healing”
Direct Experience: What is Real and What is an Illusion
What is a helpful way for us to think about the question of what is real and what is an illusion? What light can direct experience – giving attention to our experience of living – shed on this question? I remember an ACIM study group many years ago. A woman arrived late and as sheContinue reading “Direct Experience: What is Real and What is an Illusion”
Healing in Holy Relationships
Over and over in the past week or so I have turned to these sentences from A Course in Miracles about healing and holy relationships. Hear a brother call for help and answer him. It will be God to Whom you answer, for you called on Him (P-V.8:4-5). I want to observe and reflect uponContinue reading “Healing in Holy Relationships”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 188
The peace of God is shining in me now. Lesson 188 of A Course in Miracles is part of a sequence that aims to deepen our commitment to our practice by undoing specific obstacles to that application – casualness, stubbornness, specialness and so forth. In Not One, Not Two, Francisco Varela points out that weContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 188”
Notes on Forgiveness
When we encounter ourselves as less than perfectly-loving – which, if we are honest, is most of the time – there are two coherent responses. The first is not to freak out. The second is to do better. That is what it means to actively practice the principle of forgiveness in A Course in Miracles.Continue reading “Notes on Forgiveness”