On How and Why Questions, Cosmic Solipsism, and Emily Dickinson

I have been reflecting for the past week or so on the difference between asking why and asking how, especially as the distinction relates to our various beliefs, especially those we might label “spiritual.” What are the effects of asking one question rather than another? Over the past twenty years or so, I have becomeContinue reading “On How and Why Questions, Cosmic Solipsism, and Emily Dickinson”

Cooperation and Coordination are Love

Institutions arise out of mutual acts of coordination among individuals who have as their goal a shared beneficence. For example, my neighbor and I have an agreement – I mow his lawn in spring, summer and Fall and he plows my driveway in winter. The institution is neighborhood, the coordinating mechanism is barter, and theContinue reading “Cooperation and Coordination are Love”

Thinking through A Course in Miracles

How shall we organize our thinking? Through what lens or prism shall we allow our thoughts to pass in order to see brought forth clarification and subsequently helpfulness and love? When made the subject of contemplation, clarity begets helpfulness, which initiates service, which is love. Through service the one loves the other and through service thatContinue reading “Thinking through A Course in Miracles”