God and Mind and Asking Better Questions

What is the source of all this? How does it come about? Is there only God? Only Mind? Only Consciousness? Maybe many Gods? Many Gods being mind being universal consciousness? I have asked these and similar questions for a long time. In my spiritual and cultural circles, these types of questions consistently and regularly arise.Continue reading “God and Mind and Asking Better Questions”

One Way A Course in Miracles Works

The question was: what am I?* Reading and studying – taking, say – A Course in Miracles was basically a way of organizing my thinking with respect to answering that question. Naturally, it eventually became a way of gathering with those who were also using it to organize their own thinking with respect to answeringContinue reading “One Way A Course in Miracles Works”

Merging Opposites as Spiritual Practice

The first paragraph in Sharing Perception with the Holy Spirit (in chapter 14: Teaching for Truth of A Course in Miracles) is a concise and insightful unit of writing. It begins with a simple question: What do you want? (T-14.VII.1:1) Tara Singh used to say that when one reached a moment in the ACIM textContinue reading “Merging Opposites as Spiritual Practice”