I can elect to change all thoughts that hurt. It does not seem controversial to say that if we are hurt, then something caused our pain. For example, if I drop the bureau I am carrying up the stairs and it lands on my toe, then we know what caused the pain. That’s easy. Let’sContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 284”
Author Archives: Sean
The Alternative to Defining God
The question of whether God exists as an object that can be defined and perceived by another object – i.e., a self apart from yet yearning to return to God – is not as helpful as it may seem. In effect, it reinforces the very confusion it purportedly aims to undo. “Purportedly” works here becauseContinue reading “The Alternative to Defining God”
Reading A Course in Miracles: The Appointed Friend
It may be that we look at the external world as being full of lessons which, once learned, will undo that world in favor of peace and love. It is not the worst way to think about the world, but it is not how the world is undone. Any investment in the external world andContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles: The Appointed Friend”
Merry Christmas (2016)
There are gentle reminders that we are not alone, and that our awakening from dreams of death and separation into the light of seamless life is sure, and Christmas can be one of them, if we want it to be. Christmas is another story in time, another cultural artifact reflective of learning and place, anotherContinue reading “Merry Christmas (2016)”
A Course in Miracles: Ending Self-Improvement
We are apt to think that self-improvement matters: that we are in a state of becoming that can go in any number of directions and that this state is subject to a personal power of choice. In general, spiritual seekers almost always want to be better people – kinder and gentler, slower to anger, givenContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: Ending Self-Improvement”
Intellect and A Course in Miracles
There is something about A Course in Miracles that brings out the academic in many students. It brings out the intellectual. The text is both abstract and complex in its consideration of big subjects like God and time and reality. In the ACIM community there is a lot of energy around being right and wrongContinue reading “Intellect and A Course in Miracles”