The Tao Te Ching observes that ‘to be’ and ‘not to be’ arise mutually. The one includes – necessarily makes possible – the other. It is like holding a coin and asserting that only the side we “see” exists; of course both sides exist. How could it be otherwise? Thus, as soon as one saysContinue reading “Mutuality of Being and Nonbeing”
Author Archives: Sean
The Seeking that Comes and Goes
So long as there is seeking, there will be people who appear to have answers, and who will share those answers as part of an exchange – for money, for worship, for intimacy and so forth. There is nothing wrong with this. When questions are projected, answers appear. When answers appear, acceptance or rejection ofContinue reading “The Seeking that Comes and Goes”
Looking Deeply into God
Space is a helpful metaphor for what we are calling God – those of us prone to that word – but it is still just a metaphor. In and of itself it is not liberating. It is not that to which it points. Consider a ceramic tea pot. In late morning, after we have finishedContinue reading “Looking Deeply into God”
The Here-and-Now of Heaven
Eventually you see through the details that seem to comprise your life. The lovers, the friends, the roads, the jobs, the poems. The this and the that. You see how it all comes and goes, rises and falls, clarifies here and blurs over there. You see how on close observation edges and seams aren’t actuallyContinue reading “The Here-and-Now of Heaven”
Unconditional Holiness
On the other hand, why not pick up A Course in Miracles? When there is a sense of seeking – and of one who is doing the seeking, who is in charge of the seeking – then means and methods will appear as well. This is natural and availing oneself of those means and methodsContinue reading “Unconditional Holiness”
Setting Aside A Course in Miracles
A Course in Miracles works so long as one thinks there is something to do and someone to do it. When truth is at last allowed to be true – which is to see illusion as illusion – then the course is no longer necessary. If you take a bus to Boston, you don’t stayContinue reading “Setting Aside A Course in Miracles”