On the other hand, why not pick up A Course in Miracles? When there is a sense of seeking – and of one who is doing the seeking, who is in charge of the seeking – then means and methods will appear as well. This is natural and availing oneself of those means and methodsContinue reading “Unconditional Holiness”
Author Archives: Sean
Setting Aside A Course in Miracles
A Course in Miracles works so long as one thinks there is something to do and someone to do it. When truth is at last allowed to be true – which is to see illusion as illusion – then the course is no longer necessary. If you take a bus to Boston, you don’t stayContinue reading “Setting Aside A Course in Miracles”
Participation in Love
Trying to tease out the self, and make the self happy and productive in its apparent life, is like bucketing out the sea with a sieve. We can try to do it, and it might appear successful from time to time, but eventually the futility becomes clear. What then? In essence, what we call “our”Continue reading “Participation in Love”
The Way of No Path
From time to time someone will say that there are no doctrines or methods or paths by or through which awakening happens. There is just this perfect awareness presently manifesting as multiplicity. There are countless variations on this concept; it’s a staple of the contemporary nondual movement. The fly in the ointment is that sayingContinue reading “The Way of No Path”
Yet Another Newsletter
I sent out another newsletter. If you are interested, you can sign up here or in the sidebar. If you’ve already signed up, it ought to have arrived. Let me know. I know not everyone is interested in yet another message cluttering the inbox, so no hard feelings. It’s just another way to keep inContinue reading “Yet Another Newsletter”
A Course in Miracles and Gratitude
The unhealed healer wants gratitude from his brothers, but he is not grateful to them. That is because he thinks he is giving something to them, and is not receiving something equally desirable in return (T-7.V.7:1-2). This concept of relationships – giving to get and needing to come out ahead in the bargain – isContinue reading “A Course in Miracles and Gratitude”