My practice of A Course in Miracles is grounded in the ordinary. It finds itself in what arises day-to-day – baking bread, mowing the lawn, writing poetry, drinking tea with Chrisoula, and walking and talking with my children. The course is efficient and practical. The attention I give to it on its terms is returnedContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 194”
Author Archives: Sean
A Course in Miracles Lesson 186
Salvation of the world depends on me. Ask yourself: when told that salvation of the world depends on you, does not a chorus of internal voices begin to clamor in various degrees of consent and disagreement? Anticipation and resistance? And hearing those voices – and not pretending they are not there, and not playing favoritesContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 186”
Giving is What Matters
It is helpful to remember that as we become more aware of what A Course in Miracles calls the ego, we may feel the effects of egoic thinking quite intensely. Patterns of thought and behavior and feeling that went unnoticed before suddenly call attention to themselves. It is not always comfortable when this happens! ItContinue reading “Giving is What Matters”
Precious Steps
Go out in gladness to meet with your Redeemer, and walk with Him in trust out of this world, and into the real world of beauty and forgiveness (T-17.II.8:5). I woke sharply at 4 a.m. and by 4:05 was outside, leaving the eastbound dirt road for old potato fields slick with ice from sleet yetContinue reading “Precious Steps”
Learning to See
A Course in Miracles is simply an opportunity to learn a new way of seeing. Or – better maybe – an opportunity to learn a new way of being, one in which our relationship to thought and perception naturally aligns with life as it is, restoring us gently to the graceful love that is ourContinue reading “Learning to See”
There is Nothing to Heal
It is not necessary to heal ourselves. It is necessary to give attention to what is broken and loveless where it is perceived. The distinction between what is external and internal will resolve itself without our intervention. Attention is merciful sustenance because it is nonjudgmental and incapable of division. Its perfection is clear and unhurried.Continue reading “There is Nothing to Heal”