I see only the past (W-pI.7). The seventh lesson of A Course in Miracles is a beautiful way to reconnect to how practical and powerful the course is, and how readily it can be applied in our day-to-day lives. What is the past but interpretation clung to in place of reality? When we see onlyContinue reading “On Seeing Only the Past”
Author Archives: Sean
Questioning Ourselves in A Course in Miracles
Part of my practice of A Course in Miracles revolves around questioning – questioning myself, questioning my practice, my motivations, my goals. I don’t do this to be mean or judgmental. Sometimes that happens, of course. But mostly it is undertaken with the Holy Spirit, and the objective is simply to ensure that I amContinue reading “Questioning Ourselves in A Course in Miracles”
Undoing Ego Through Attention
It is important to remember that the ego is something we made – it is our project, our construct – and so we are enabled to bring it to an end as well. This makes no sense at all from an ego perspective (forever bent on its own preservation), which is why we need theContinue reading “Undoing Ego Through Attention”
Healing Begins In Honesty
I’ve been thinking a great deal about honesty lately. I say “thinking” – “feeling” would be a better word. “Looking” might be better yet. I am learning that healing begins in honesty. Jesus said “let your yes mean yes,” and I like to repeat that, and preach on it, but it’s fair to say myContinue reading “Healing Begins In Honesty”
God’s Will is Freedom
Freedom lies in wanting only what God wills. When that is our condition, we can do anything, because we are not doing anything but rather God is willing through us, and our lives become expressions of God’s perfect love. This is not something that we do: rather, it is something to which we give ourContinue reading “God’s Will is Freedom”
Inner Peace Within Creation
Inner peace is understanding all things created as what they are – free of judgment, and the demands that judgment places on them (e.g., T-30.V.1:3-5). But forgiveness precedes understanding (T-30.V.1:6), and until we have made it our practice, we will remain confused about what we are, what our function is, and what the purpose ofContinue reading “Inner Peace Within Creation”