Honoring Tara Singh’s Vision of A Course in Miracles

Prior to teaching A Course in Miracles, Tara Singh undertook a three year silent retreat. He gave three years of his life to silence! Can you imagine that? The discipline it took, the commitment . . . People ask me sometimes why I read Tara Singh so closely, and listen to him on tape andContinue reading “Honoring Tara Singh’s Vision of A Course in Miracles”

Projection and Extension in A Course in Miracles

In A Course in Miracles, extension is the opposite of projection. It is similar in form, but altogether different in content, and thus in effect. When we project, we are attempting to disown what is fearful and distressing. When we extend, we are blessing ourselves and others by offering love to them. Another way toContinue reading “Projection and Extension in A Course in Miracles”

Questioning Ourselves in A Course in Miracles

Part of my practice of A Course in Miracles revolves around questioning – questioning myself, questioning my practice, my motivations, my goals. I don’t do this to be mean or judgmental. Sometimes that happens, of course. But mostly it is undertaken with the Holy Spirit, and the objective is simply to ensure that I amContinue reading “Questioning Ourselves in A Course in Miracles”