Leaping Into God, Singing As We Go

I think that what A Course in Miracles does for the serious student – because it is what any spiritual path will do for those who attend it with devotion and tenacity – is allow the space in which to discover – or recover, if you like – our fundamental unity with God. Our fundamentalContinue reading “Leaping Into God, Singing As We Go”

ACIM and the Perennial Philosophy

I have been lately suggesting – thinking out loud, really – that A Course in Miracles is a particular expression of the perennial philosophy that may or may not be helpful as one works their way back toward God. In his book of the same title, Aldous Huxley defined the perennial philosophy as the metaphysicContinue reading “ACIM and the Perennial Philosophy”

About Calling It A Course in Miracles . . .

I was walking with a friend recently, snowy back roads at twilight. While our spiritual paths are different, our general sense of what it means to be spiritual – what the goals are, what the work is, what the results are – is quite similar. Our talks are almost always fruitful. We were talking aboutContinue reading “About Calling It A Course in Miracles . . .”