Healing Wrong Perception

One of the salient qualities of the ego is its perennial dissatisfaction. No matter what happens, it wants something else. This is an example of what A Course in Miracles calls “wrong perception” or “misperception.” Healing it is a major focus of miracles (T-1.I.49:2). A miracle is a correction introduced into false thinking . .Continue reading “Healing Wrong Perception”

Radical Equality: A Spiritual Cornerstone

A Course in Miracles will not long tolerate our habit of self-debasement. If you glance at the table of contents in the workbook, you will see that one of its themes is our holiness and our loveliness and our perfection. We are blessed as children of God and our denial of this truth benefits nobody.Continue reading “Radical Equality: A Spiritual Cornerstone”

Krishnamurti and A Course in Miracles

I remember years ago picking up a copy of Krishnamurti’s slim but powerful book Freedom from the Known. Krishnamurti is a complicated figure, as likely to arouse conflict as anyone else, but I think beyond the level of opinion, his articulation of the human condition in relation to what might loosely be its spiritual searchContinue reading “Krishnamurti and A Course in Miracles”