In the consideration about whether and how to expand my teaching in the ACIM community, money was always the biggest stumbling block. Is it fair to charge for spiritual-related services? Isn’t money distracting at best and downright evil at worst? For me, money is that symbol – that illusion – wherein the separation from GodContinue reading “On Charging Money and A Course in Miracles”
Category Archives: A Course in Miracles
On Teaching and A Course in Miracles
As many of you know, I am a teacher. I came to this profession eight or nine years ago somewhat by surprise. I was required – as a condition of my Master’s Degree in Fine Arts – to conduct a teaching practicum. It terrified me. I was ready to quit the program rather than faceContinue reading “On Teaching and A Course in Miracles”
Healing Wrong Perception
One of the salient qualities of the ego is its perennial dissatisfaction. No matter what happens, it wants something else. This is an example of what A Course in Miracles calls “wrong perception” or “misperception.” Healing it is a major focus of miracles (T-1.I.49:2). A miracle is a correction introduced into false thinking . .Continue reading “Healing Wrong Perception”
Attention is the Holy Spirit
What A Course in Miracles calls the “Holy Spirit” is not separate from us. It is not like a teacher in front of a class, or the author of a book who lives across the country. Nor is the Holy Spirit one part of the larger whole we call the self – like a kidneyContinue reading “Attention is the Holy Spirit”
Radical Equality: A Spiritual Cornerstone
A Course in Miracles will not long tolerate our habit of self-debasement. If you glance at the table of contents in the workbook, you will see that one of its themes is our holiness and our loveliness and our perfection. We are blessed as children of God and our denial of this truth benefits nobody.Continue reading “Radical Equality: A Spiritual Cornerstone”
On Reading Attentively
One of my personal struggles with A Course in Miracles always comes from the impulse to interpret it or assume that it does mean literally what it teaches. A contribution from me becomes essential to understanding. And where the egoic self insists on its own prerogative, God can only gently wait. So I have toContinue reading “On Reading Attentively”