I sent out a newsletter today – first in a couple months – talking about how to forgive Jesus, who is just another projection in our projection-addled lives. You can sign up here if you like.
In this post I want to think through a related idea: there is only one will and that is God’s Will, which is love.
There is only one Will and it is the Will of God and the Will of God is Love. Neither you nor anything nor anyone you perceive is separate from this Will nor ever could be separate from it. Accept this and your suffering ends. Very simple!
Also, not simple at all, right?
What about the violent trauma many of us survive as kids? What about the 3.1 million children a year who die of hunger? What about melting polar ice caps? Gun violence?
Yes. I know this. I hear you.
There is only one Will and it is the Will of God and the Will of God is Love.
Part of what is hard about this is that it’s not an argument. It is a way of seeing that aligns itself with the One Will and thereby remembers Itself. In that remembrance, the self and the world is undone. There is nothing to argue about, nor anyone to argue with.
A clumsy analogy: imagine that you and I are in Boston and you are looking at a map.
“Hey,” I say. waving a hand. “Look at Boston.”
“I am looking at Boston,” you say, giving the map a shake. “See? Boston.”
“No,” I say. “Not a map of Boston – Boston. Boston Boston.”
“I am looking at Boston,” you say, giving another – slightly annoyed – shake of the map. “It says right here – Boston. See?”
“No,” I say. “I mean, look up from the map. We’re in Boston. This is Boston.”
And you just shake your head because to you it’s obvious that I am the one who is confused. You are looking at Boston; I am not looking at Boston.
What am I trying to say here?
I am saying that if you perceive many wills – or one will that isn’t Love – then you are looking at a facsimile of reality. And there is a better way.
Maybe you already know this. Or maybe you are saying, “okay – how do I change the way I look? How do I see reality and not the facsimile?”
My probably unsatisfying answer is, you don’t. Because you are part of the facsimile. And anyway, there is only one will. You can’t do anything.
Here is the thing. In the same way a map of Boston is not Boston but is not not Boston either (just a very narrowly-defined way of seeing Boston, of pointing at Boston), the help that you need to see past the facsimile is given in the facsimile.
If you allow yourself to be very quiet and still, then you will remember the help. It will be very clear; it will be very obvious. You will remember the help and you will accept it. It will have a form; it will be a method. And you will know it perfectly.
For me, the help was A Course in Miracles. In certain ways, it still is. But ACIM is a beginning, not an end (W-ep.1:1). All ACIM does is help you better hear your sane mind, your healed mind, which is the Holy Spirit.
When you hear the Holy Spirit, then everything clarifies and comes into place. It’s like watching a movie of cracking an egg backwards – the mess recollects itself into a seamless whole.
Everything the Holy Spirit says boils down to: “There is only one Will and it is the Will of God and the Will of God is Love. Neither you nor anything nor anyone you perceive is separate from this Will nor ever could be separate from it. Accept this and your suffering ends.”
If you are unhappy – in and with yourself, in and with the world, in and with the world and yourself – the invitation is to give your attention to A Course in Miracles. Become devoted to it; become religious. Don’t let it get away with vague spiritual promises. Question it; make demands of it. Ignore it if you need to. You can’t make a mistake. No more can it.
Practicing A Course in Miracles this way is like a long walk home. Maybe it rains or snows; maybe you share the trail with a traveler or two; maybe you get lost or have to rest. But all the while, the landscape grows more and more familiar and eventually you remember that this is home. You are going home and you are home. The journey grows easy because the destination is clear and unambiguous.
“Clear and unambiguous,” by the way, is just another way of saying “There is only one Will and it is the Will of God and the Will of God is Love.” Simple 🙂