Yesterday I talked about giving our mind over to the Holy Spirit, both in terms of its content and its function. In that way, our problems end. I suggested a next post would relate to how to give our minds over. That’s still coming, but here I offer a side note about what the Holy Spirit is.
The ego is a thing you look at (or listen to, if you prefer). It is not a thing you are, nor a thing you do. It is an image in a black mirror that itself is a reflection in a mirror (T-4.IV.1:7).
You can look at ego or not look at ego. It’s up to you.
This is another way of saying that what you are in truth in not the ego – nor anything that can be looked at – but rather the looker itself.
You are the looker. And when you look for the looker you will realize that it can’t be found and that therefore, you are actually looking.
You are a process – not an object discovered by or affected by that process.
You are more closely related to photosynthesis than to a plant, to evolution than to a physical body.
Thus, the whole drama of ego – its arguments, its goals, its plans, its stories – is not you and you, as the looker, as looking, can choose to look away.
The choice to look away from ego is the decision to look at – or listen to, if you prefer – the Holy Spirit. When you no longer gaze at the ego, you are gazing at the Holy Spirit.
Or, better, you are the Holy Spirit’s gaze.
The Holy Spirit is in your mind as ego is, but where ego is a series of convincing images – a bad movie in which you are the maligned star – the Holy Spirit is a way of looking.
Process, not object. Not the eddy in the brook but the energy creating the eddy.
To look at the ego is death, because when you look at ego and believe it is real, you have no life. It offers you nothing helpful unto the creation of happiness. Thus, to look at ego is to be dispirited, disempowered and discouraged. It is to wander briefly through a landscape of despair awaiting death. It is to be doomed.
And there is a better way, and right now, you literally are that better way. You don’t need to wait a single second to reclaim the cause of joy and peace as your own self.
The Holy Spirit is alive; when you make contact with it, you make contact with your mind’s dynamic capacity to love fully and without condition. The Holy Spirit is a loving gaze that extends from the center outward and it welcomes everything. It includes everything.
The Holy Spirit looks with love on all things and, because of its innate capacity for miracles (which are shifts from fear to love), it does not recognize problems.
[The Holy Spirit] is a Thought of God, and God has given Him to you because He has no Thoughts He does not share. His message speaks of timelessness in time, and that is why Christ’s vision looks on everything with love (T-13.VIII.4:3-4).
There is nothing the Holy Spirit does not welcome, and no problem that it cannot solve perfectly. The Holy Spirit is not supernatural. It is in your mind as your capacity to be clear and coherent, cooperative and collaborative. The Holy Spirit cares, and its care is offered without discrimination to the whole world, which makes it love.
This is in you: your first awareness of it will be the sense of being the looker. Find the looker and you have found the Holy Spirit, and you will share its joy and peace. This is not the end of the spiritual journey, but the beginning because the “golden aspects of reality that spring to light under [the Holy Spirit’s] loving gaze are partial glimpses of the Heaven that lies beyond them” (T-13.VIII.4:6).
This becomes the new experience: our union with the Holy Spirit, which is the end of ego, and thus inaugurates the translation of the world from a place of suffering to the site of remembering the creations of a wholly loving God.