A Course in Miracles Lesson 202

I will be still an instant and go home.

There is the experience of being home, and there is the experience of being not-at-home. To be home is to be safe. To be home is to know rest. When we are home we are creative and welcoming. We can lay a table for friends, make a bed for guests, welcome pilgrims in from the rain.

When we are not-at-home we depend on the kindness of strangers. We need help finding our way. Our rest is less fulfilling; our minds are not at ease. We have to be alert when we are alien. We have to take a different kind of care.

A Course in Miracles teaches us that we are home when we accept that we are not bodies and cannot be contained or limited in any way. Our “home” is not a place or even a condition, but rather a way of thinking that does not recognize separation.

God does not call us to a lifetyle or to a new place on the map or even into a new relationship. Rather, God calls us to accept our true identity in Creation, which is to be one with Creation.

When we remember and accept this truth, then we no longer enter into conflict as readily. We become instruments of peace whose only function is to “love in a loveless place.” When we answer God’s call – which is always the call to know ourselves as God knows us – familiar frames of “home” are undone.

This is because the proble of separation is not a problem of space – it is not about where or when – but rather about “who.” It is a question of identity that is resolved the instant we accept God’s Love as inevitable because of what we are.

←Lesson 201
Lesson 203→

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