Let miracles replace all grievances. A miracle is a change in perception which allows us to see reality with greater clarity, in turn moving us away from fear and towards love. Grievances obstruct miracles by doubling down on the body as vulnerable and subject to attack. So long as the body – and not spiritContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 78”
Author Archives: Sean
A Course in Miracles Lesson 77
I am entitled to miracles. Many years ago I read a brief article about a woman practicing Lesson 77 of A Course in Miracles in conjunction with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, a tapping-based healing modality). She would work through the ritual of tapping, while repeating “I am entitled to miracles.” Within days, she had a newContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 77”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 76
I am under no laws but God’s. Lesson 76 of A Course in Miracles brooks no middle ground. It is like Bob Dylan’s song Precious Angel: “You either got faith or you got unbelief and there ain’t no neutral ground.” Yet the absence of wiggle room is a gift, for it forces us to confrontContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 76”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 75
The light has come. The 75th lesson of A Course in Miracles is both a celebration of what we are in truth and an opportunity for gratitude. We celebrate that which knows it is an extension of God’s wholly loving will. And we are grateful for the learners and teachers who make “the happy endingContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 75”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 74
There is no will but God’s. This is a simple but deeply satisfying lesson of A Course in Miracles. If it’s true – and if we accept its truth – then all our perceived conflict is over. And in the absence of conflict, there is only peace. Thus, if we can grasp this lesson –Continue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 74”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 73
I will there be light. The understanding that we are not separate from God does not relate to our bodies nor to the confused self that appears to be that body. We share a will with God, a will to create in perfect abstraction, beyond the limited nature of bodies and worlds. This is aContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 73”