Distinguishing Between Illusion and Hallucination

A hallucination is, I can put my hand through a chair because it’s not really there. There is no chair. But an illusion is, something is there but I am not seeing it. I’m seeing something else. I see a chair but it’s actually atoms. Or information. Or Jesus teaching me how to forgive theContinue reading “Distinguishing Between Illusion and Hallucination”

A Story to Shed Light on Forgiveness

Once when I was a young lawyer another lawyer – a guy maybe twenty years older than me, a skillful attorney I admired a lot – humiliated me publicly. During a meeting before about two hundred other lawyers, he spoke from the podium about how he hated working with “dumb young lawyers” and – pointingContinue reading “A Story to Shed Light on Forgiveness”

Special Relationships as Forms of Avoidance

Special relationships reflect a decision to avoid looking at guilt and hate within by renaming them “love” and projecting them onto a partner. This only exacerbates the underlying problem, which is our refusal to be responsible for the decision to be separate from both Creator and Creation. Separation is only a decision not to knowContinue reading “Special Relationships as Forms of Avoidance”