Chrisoula and the kids were in New York City this past weekend to see Romeo and Juliet. I stayed behind to do chores and keep house. Things were quiet mostly, and I got a lot done. It snowed more than I thought it would, and I didn’t sleep well but it was okay. When IContinue reading “Advent Travels: the Space of Solitude”
Author Archives: Sean
Advent Travels: Hidden by Storm Clouds
I like this story. Abba Lot went to see Abba Joseph.He said, “Abba Joseph,as far as I can say,I do my little office,and I read my psalms.I fast a little and prayand meditate.I live in peace with others and,as far as possible,I purify my thoughts.Tell me, Father, what else –what more – can I do?”Continue reading “Advent Travels: Hidden by Storm Clouds”
Advent Travels: Relationship All the Way Down
Nancy reminded me when I mentioned this Advent writing project that whenever two or more gather in Jesus’s name, Jesus is with them. Historically, this is understood in ecclesial terms. We gather in and as a church which both keeps Jesus and makes him accessible (on terms and contions it sets as Jesus’s keeper). ButContinue reading “Advent Travels: Relationship All the Way Down”
Advent Travels: A Cool Drum Solo
It’s hard sometimes to think helpfully about the void. I have a lot to learn myself. I don’t think the void is a question of belief, but I am glad there are folks willing to wonder if it might be. They simultaneously remind me of my spiritual poverty and justify the optimism that allows meContinue reading “Advent Travels: A Cool Drum Solo”
Advent Travels: The Final Step
0 The Mirage Yesterday, shoveling a path to the horses – following tracks in the snow my daughters had made earlier – I was visited by God. What do I mean by this? 1 The Oasis Many years ago, during my first run-through of the ACIM lessons – some time after the devastation wrought byContinue reading “Advent Travels: The Final Step”
Advent Travels: The Posture of a Guest
I stepped outside last night at about eight or so and the snow had already begun. Douglas used to say, you’ve got the writing part down. The question is, what do you want to do with it? I had hoped for a quiet snow gently falling so I could use “sussuration” in today’s writing, butContinue reading “Advent Travels: The Posture of a Guest”