I walked many miles in the rain last night. Past the village the dark is smooth and alive, like the heart of something wild. There are voices in the rain. My walk was a plea for clarity and understanding; clarity and understanding were given. The Holy Spirit is an experience in the world: it isContinue reading “Notes in Mid-November”
Author Archives: Sean
Suffering is Self-Identity
You aren’t real. Generally, this is not a kind thing to say to another person. We all believe we’re here and embodied; denying that – especially when we’re projecting that denial onto another person – is a form of violence. The clearest and most helpful thing a body can say to another is: “we areContinue reading “Suffering is Self-Identity”
Notes in Early November
Happy All Saints Day. I’ve been trying to find my way with a newsletter for years. Another one floats into the ether tomorrow morning. If you’re interested, you can read past newsletters and sign up for the future ones here. I’ve also been having fun with videos lately. This one is posted elsewhere on theContinue reading “Notes in Early November”
The End of Looking for God
You can’t retrofit God into your experience. Nor can you expand your experience to include God. God is outside / beyond / unrelated to experience. The best you can do is realize this, and then stop trying. Give up on God, holiness, oneness, Christ, A Course in Miracles, the world in which they appear andContinue reading “The End of Looking for God”
After Hate, This Love
Two basic facts underlie the metaphysics of A Course in Miracles. First, what we experience as “love” in the world is actually hate. And second, everything that appears in and as the world is the same. At first this appears ridiculous. Then it appears erroneous. Then it appears logical but undesirable. Then it appears inevitable.Continue reading “After Hate, This Love”
On Being Right vs. Happiness
Here is one of my favorite sentences from A Course in Miracles: “do you prefer that you be right or happy (T-29.VII.1:9)?” I like it for two reasons. First, it’s a good question! It helpfully points to the impossibility of inner peace when one is stuck on being right about something. Being right means somebodyContinue reading “On Being Right vs. Happiness”