It is a staple of a lot of contemporary neo-advaita writing that we are awareness itself and what happens – the whole of our living – happens inside of us. Here is how John Sherman, a teacher I admire a great deal, puts it. I say, ‘There is nothing but you anywhere to be found’, andContinue reading “Nitpicking and Neo Advaita”
Author Archives: Sean
Religion and the End of Conflict
Religion (broadly defined so as to include spiritual practices like A Course in Miracles) can be a helpful way to work through the difficulties that attend our living, which is to say, to learn how to better bring forth love in our living with others who could be our own self. But it is onlyContinue reading “Religion and the End of Conflict”
Awakening in Relationship
I think we are moving perhaps in the direction of a space where it is possible to address questions of awakening and what-happens-after without so much judgment and confusion and drama. Perhaps we are getting clear on the simplicity. Perhaps we are focusing on the helpful work and the relationships which make that work light.Continue reading “Awakening in Relationship”
Personalization as the Root of Conflict
It took me a long time to understand that the root of so many conflicts and problems in my living arose out of an insistence – a sort of mental habit – of personalizing everything. Things did not just happen; they happened to me. It was not life but my life. Thus, my investment inContinue reading “Personalization as the Root of Conflict”
When Our Teacher is Love
Love doesn’t talk about itself. It doesn’t brag or boast or chide. It just moves us a little, here and there. We get a sense that something is off and with it a sense of what would be corrective. That’s love, as I am using the word “love.” It’s natural; it’s inherent. We don’t haveContinue reading “When Our Teacher is Love”
Beyond Spiritual Ideals
We have ideas about what life should feel like and look like and these ideas guide our behavior. These ideas are not our own; we acquire them from the culture in which we find ourselves. We think that spiritual people are peaceful vegans or celibate monks or scholarly ascetics. And we act accordingly, and ourContinue reading “Beyond Spiritual Ideals”