Spirituality and Wild Goose Chases

The idea there is some external purpose to life – divine or mystical or otherwise – is problematic in the sense that it tends to promote wild goose chases and inattention to what’s right here right now. We are “children of a loving God,” or we are “sleeping spiritual beings surrounded by a light whichContinue reading “Spirituality and Wild Goose Chases”

Rational Thinking With Respect to Spiritual Mysteries

We might say that practical answers are important according to context. For example, I want to bake bread and make soup for dinner. It helps that there are bread and soup recipes. It helps there is a coop nearby that sells vegetables, flour, herbs and spices. It helps that I have homemade bags in whichContinue reading “Rational Thinking With Respect to Spiritual Mysteries”

Who Was Helen Schucman?

Was Helen Schucman psychic? In my view, that question functions as gossip – akin to speculating about someone’s sexuality. We are all intuitive to one extent or another. We all express our intuitions in deeply personal ways. Singling out one person’s expression for analysis – especially without their consent and participation – feels intrusive andContinue reading “Who Was Helen Schucman?”