Let miracles replace all grievances.
A miracle is a change in perception which allows us to see reality with greater clarity, in turn moving us away from fear and towards love. Grievances obstruct miracles by doubling down on the body as vulnerable and subject to attack.
So long as the body – and not spirit – remains our touchstone, any joy or peace that we experience will be temporary and conditional. Lesson 78 teaches us to raise our so-called grievances into the light of healing where they can be undone, allowing miracle-minded thinking greater flow and effect.
We will reverse the way you see by not allowing sight to stop before it sees. We will not wait before the shield of hate, but lay it down and gently lift our eyes in silence to behold the Son of God (W-pI.78.2:2-3).
A grievance always involves our brothers and sisters. They have let us down, or infringed on our rights, or taken something away, or made it harder to get something else. Thus, when we release grievances, we simultaneously bless our brothers and sisters. We no longer see them as “bodies,” but as children of a loving Creator. And in seeing them this way, we remember our own self.
. . . every grievance is a block to sight, and as it lifts you see the Son of God where he has always been. He stands in light, you were in the dark. Each grievance made the darkness deeper, and you could not see (W-pI.78.3:2-4).
The lesson invites us to consider someone against whom we hold a grievance. And rather than focus on the grievance, we will focus instead on the light in them. The light will bless us both; the one we see apart from our grievances becomes our savior.
He who was enemy is more than friend when he is freed to take the holy role the Holy Spirit has assigned to him. Let him be savior unto you today. Such is his role in God’s plan (W-pI.78.5:4-6).
We carefully examine the grounds of our grievance in all its detail. We refuse no aspect of our judgment. And then, when we are clear about the degree to which this brother or sister has harmed us, we ask to be shown the light in them.
It is tempting here to approach this lesson intellectually. We say of the one against who we are aggrieved, yes, I know that he or she is innocent in truth. I know that we are all equal children of God.
But if healing were that simple then we would have thought our way into it long ago. We are not merely repeating ideas in this lesson; we are actively trying to encounter someone we hate and fear and know them in the light of love.
This succeeds because it is what we all want from one another. We want to be seen as we are in truth, liberated from the hellscape in which our bodies appear to make war on one another. You might imagine the one who – when encountering this lesson – thinks of you as the one they are most unwilling to forgive. What do you want from them, more than anything? What do you want for them?
What you have asked for cannot be denied. Your savior has been waiting long for this. He would be free, and you make his freedom yours. The Holy Spirit leans from him to you, seeing no separation in God’s Son. And what you see through him will free you both (W-pI.78.8:1-5).
That is a beautiful and reassuring passage. And we are allowed to read it literally; we are allowed to know that our brothers and sisters can be forgiven, and that their forgiveness is our forgiveness, because only this level of mutuality and love satisfies our Creator.
God thanks you for these quiet times today in which you laid your images aside, and looked upon the miracle of love the Holy Spirit showed you in their place. The world and Heaven join in thanking you, for not one Thought of God but must rejoice as you are saved, and all the world with you (W-pI.78.9:1-2).
This is our only role in salvation: to forgive our brothers and sisters through the miracle, which teaches us how to perceive truly. The effects of healing radiate throughout Creation, excluding no one and no thing. Our joy and peace are both natural and inevitable.